Jaipur, March 20 (IANS) The police on Wednesday lathicharged the National Students Union of India (NSUI) workers protesting against the Union government’s Agniveer scheme in Bikaner, leaving two prominent student leaders from the organisation injured.
NSUI workers on Wednesday had reached the collectorate premises post-lunch to stage their protest.
However, police had to resort to lathicharge when the NSUI workers tried to break the barricades installed to stop them.
As several NSUI workers under the leadership of their state President Vinod Jakhar moved towards the Collectorate, the police stopped them.
While a few student leaders, including NSUI state president were allowed to go inside, the rest tried to break the barricades.
When the police stopped them, the student workers started protesting following which the police and RAC personnel resorted to lathi charge and assaulted them with batons.
As Dungar College president Hari Godara’s head got injured in the lathicharge, former NSUI president Krishna Godara ran to him following which police laticharged him due to which he suffered an injury.
Meanwhile, Rural Congress President Bishnaram Siyag said that Congress will stand in solidarity with NSUI to oppose the Union government.
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